Our Difference
Physician Testimonial Video
"[Our] relationship has exceeded all of the physicians' expectations. Our day-to-day practices have really not changed much. The doctors seem to be in full control and have the same level of autonomy as ever. Behind the scenes, Growth Ortho is helping us to steer our practice in a direction of growth and continued excellence."
-Christian Christensen MD, Bluegrass Orthopaedics
Keep Your Private Practice Private | Investing in Local Healthcare

"In November of 2020, Growth Orthopedics was founded with a mission to provide a pathway for orthopedic physician practices to remain private in a very competitive environment. Growth Ortho recognized that the best healthcare for patients is delivered locally by outstanding physicians and their teams. Allowing practices to expand and grow in their local regions opens up quality care for a larger group of patients. Two years later we are delivering on that mission are helping physicians and patients stay healthy. Our vision for Growth Ortho for our physicians, patients, and partners is beginning to take form. Thank you to all of you that have walked with us so far!"
Traditional MSO
Unknown Future Partner
Most PE groups are "aggregators", creating add-on's after initial acquisition
Traditional MSO will develop into mini health system
Establish uniform EMR and Practice Management System
Consolidate into singular company
Traditional MSO structure is often confusing
Most MSOs take a hands-on approach which leads to a loss in autonomy
Growth Ortho MSO
Approval for Future Partners
Our goal is to establish regional centers of excellence
We respect your autonomy
Maintain current EMR and Practice Management System
We will maintain your brand
We believe in partnership and transparency
Growth Ortho achieves profitability through efficiency and growth